Workshop held on career development in the low carbon sector
Funded by CLASP in 2012/13, Wigan Council conducted a research project exploring the standing of Low Carbon Skills in Wigan. Applicable across the NW, the findings highlight influencing factors for employers and educators, identifying common current issues, barriers and practical actions local authorities and educators can take to support career development in the sector.
Low Carbon Skills Event - claspinfo.org/resources/low-carbon-skills-event
Contributor Profile

Helen's work focuses on her passion for people, taking her into the field of stakeholder engagement and consultation. Helen uses both qualitative and quantitative techniques to help her clients understand their audiences, effectively engaging with a range of individuals, from key stakeholders, to businesses and the community, including seldom heard groups. As an associate of Creative Concern, Helen has worked on variety of communications projects related to the environment, planning and sustainability. Helen was previously Head of Research and Consultation at Vision Twentyone, a full ser