Design Your Own Eco-Street With £6,000 Funding
The Eco-Streets competition seeks to transform two un-used, un-loved areas in Greater Manchester into spaces that feature nature-based-solutions to climate change. Each design will receive £6,000 in funding and support from Groundwork’s Community Enablers to transform their spaces in 2021.
With support from Groundwork, Eco-Streets will equip communities with the skills to design, install and maintain natural features to create vibrant, green community spaces to benefit people while tackling climate change.
Who Can Apply
Applications are open for Greater Manchester community groups or groups of residents, consisting of at least three people from different households. We want to make sure that the project is sustainable, and having a core group of people ensures that different tasks can be shared out and one person isn’t burdened with designing and delivering their project alone.
Transformable spaces could include Alleyways or ‘Ginnels’, Small Streets, Courtyards, Dis-used Allotments or Abandoned Park areas. Applications are welcome from all across Greater Manchester, with a particular focus on applications from communities with limited access to high quality green space. Funded through the IGNITION project, Eco-Streets seeks to showcase how Greater Manchester can become greener and more climate resilient.
The prize
Two winning projects will be awarded £6,000 to bring their idea to life. These projects will be selected by a panel of judges at the end of April 2021. Prior to construction, the winning projects will also have access to a ‘Seeing is Believing’ tour at one of Greater Manchester’s new pioneering nature-based solutions sites for inspiration, and a design session with one of Groundwork’s Landscape Architects to help you to map out your ideas.
Once a plan for your space has been created, Groundwork will support with multiple volunteer days, where we can help you to build your new site and provide hands-on support and advice. Now you’re part of the family, we’ll also provide future support with funding, maintenance and monitoring so you know how to apply for funding to care for your space in the long-term.
Eco-Streets will target areas currently lacking in natural features and those that combat climate change to address inequalities in Greater Manchester. With this in mind, the judging panel will be prioritising applications based on:
- Local need (e.g. places that have less access to green-space)
- Community Support
- Use of nature based solutions within the design
- Group creativity
For more information on how to apply head over to the Eco-Streets page on the Groundwork website.
The IGNITION Project: How We’re Getting People Switched On to Climate Change
Contributed by Jennifer Lane
Developing the Nature-Based Solutions Living Lab at Salford University
Contributed by Jennifer Lane
Contributor Profile

Jennifer Lane is Campaign Manager for the IGNITION Project and Natural Course.