Platform. The everyday portal for sharing knowledge and intelligence on sustainability across Greater Manchester.

Critical City Infrastructure: Greater Manchester

Roger Milburn examines our dependency on the critically important physical infrastructure supporting our cities, towns and villages.

Planning for 'Garden City Suburbs' in Greater Manchester

Great places don’t happen by accident, you need a plan.

Making Places: Greater Manchester's Spatial Framework

The first draft of Greater Manchester’s spatial framework goes live in October and will guide how we develop our homes, workplaces and transport over the next 20 years.

City Conversation - Healthy Cities and the Built Environment

Are we winning the battle to make our cities more liveable, more sustainable and healthier? Join CityCo for an in-depth discussion with industry leaders as they explore the link between quality urban design and wellbeing in cities.

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Help support Community Renewable Energy in Salford

Help support Community Energy in Greater Manchester: share offer open until the end of June 2016.

Utility Companies doing some good

Tina Gandhi explores how utility companies are making a difference to the lives of low-income households.

Clean Cities Agenda and the GM business context

The pro-manchester Green Economy group and Transport and Infrastructure Group have organised an expert panel to discuss what a Green Cities agenda actually means for Manchester and the wider local economy.

EU Referendum: A spotlight on food and farming

'How could the referendum result affect the way our food is produced and traded?' was the focus of a recent meeting organised by the Kindling Trust and the Food Ethics Council in Manchester.

A Young Citizens’ Assembly

Led by the Politics Project, young people are getting the chance to produce their own agenda for Greater Manchester

Beyond the Paris Climate Change Conference

How can energy efficiency co-operatives contribute to achieving 2050 targets?


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